Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Life Happenings

Well I have gotten through my first 3 weeks of the semester! So far so good. I think things will go pretty easy for me this semester. I'm only taking 3 classes and I still do not have a job so I have plenty of time to get my school work done. I am about 15 weeks into my pregnancy now and things are going great. 3 weeks ago I had a doctors appointment where I got to hear our baby's heart beat which was the most amazing thing ever! For the most part the morning sickness is gone...thank goodness. I have been getting some of my energy back but I still take some short naps to get me though the day. I am extremely anxious to find out the sex of the baby!! Only about 5 more weeks until that day comes! Im pretty convinced the baby is a boy though. Not sure why but thats just my feeling. We will be happy whatever we have though. My mom is getting married in about a month and we will be moving upsatirs so we have more room when the baby comes in March. I'm so excited to start working on the nursery!