Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life's Crazy

So I relaized its been quite awhile since I had time to post any updates our on life happenings. Things have been pretty crazy around here for the past month or so. My mom was finaly able to find a house and she started to move in before thanksgiving, and is still trying to finish moving in. Almost all of her stuff is out of the house live in now but things are still such a mess around here. Since Jacob and I are moving upstairs to have more room for the baby our stuff is now everywhere. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have most of it under control. I really wanted to be completely setteled in before christmas so im keeping my fingers crossed! Tonight some people are coming to help Jacob move the big furniture so all we weill have left to do is get the mess under control. Other then the moving mess I was finishing up school and working extra hours down at the bookstore. Schools over now and I'm just working but working while being pregnant takes most of my energy and by the end of the day I am completly exhausted. even though things have been so crazy Jake and I have been doing really well. We had a nice thanksgiving in TN with some of my dads family. We stayed in a really nice cabin in the mountains. I am looking forward to christmas! We have all of our shopping done and now I just need to start wrapping all the presents. On satuday while I was at work Jake went out with his parents and littlest brother to get our christmas tree. It small but looks really nice. And since we dont have a lot of ornamens yet we didn't really need a big tree. And for a prganacy update, I am 6 months along and finally in my 3rd trimester!!! She is moving around tons! The kicks to the ribs aren't so pleasent but other then that I love feeling her move around. I feel like i am getting huge and i still have 3 more months to go, I can't even imagine how I will be feeling at the end. Well I guess that about sums up whats been going on with us! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!